You can find all of my projects on my github. I've mostly been building rust clis, web apps, and whatever I happen to find interesting.
Here's a list of notable projects:
- 3db - A UI for using GitHub repositories as a CDN/file store. Pretty flaky, but works. mainly a github app, uses supabase and sveltekit.
- Zcore - An assembly parser and cpu emulator written in zig. Wip.
- Simple - A simple static site generator/component based html inliner written in rust. I wrote it to build this website. Very buggy, but it has cool features like bi-directional editing.
- Replacer - A cli to replace text recursively in files or from stdin to stdout. Written in rust, of course.
- lightscrape-rs - A cli to asynchronously download lightnovels from certain websites, and compile them into an epub.
- Toki - A macOS app usage tracking app written in swift. Wip.
- osu-radio - A music player for playing songs from your osu! library. I'm a major contributor and designer.
- edo - A colorscheme I created and use. It's a mix of tokyonight and catppuccin. All the ports are made with replacing hex codes from catppuccin's ports.
- nix-config - My nix-darwin configuration. I spend way too much time on this.
- - This website. This is version 6.1 and all the previous versions are also on github.