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Techniques to get something done

Published 07/09/2024

Very rarely do I do this, actually.

  1. No shallow work -> If you're gonna do something, put all your attention into it. Otherwise it's a waste of time. Shallow work also prevents you from getting into the flow, which is the most productive state.
  2. Write down what you want to do on a post-it note and stick it somewhere you can see it. A digital scratchpad works as well.
  3. Break large tasks into smaller, manageable chunks -> This makes the work less overwhelming and gives you a sense of progress as you complete each part. Also write out the order in which you will complete these small tasks.
  4. Give yourself a deadline. (However for most things I want to do there's an external deadline already).
  5. Tell yourself you're only gonna do it for 2 minutes, as getting started is the hardest part.
  6. Eliminate distractions -> Put your phone on silent and out of sight, close unnecessary browser tabs, etc, and create a focused environment.

Personally I don't do the Pomodoro Technique since if I'm doing something I do it all in one go.

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